Lisa Virtue:
Hey there and welcome to season two of the Her Career Studio podcast. I am Lisa Virtue, your podcast host and career coach and I am so excited that you're here as we kick off this brand new season full of actionable strategies. I always love to provide to you empowering insights into what's going on behind the scenes in the job search and everything you need to land your next job with confidence and clarity. Before we jump into today's episode, a quick reminder HerCareer Studio is more than just a podcast. Head over to for free tools to support your journey like our free resume template and a personalized resume review service. These resources are here to help you take action and accelerate your results. So don't miss out. Visit after this episode.
Lisa Virtue:
All right, today's episode is all about setting the stage for what's ahead in Season two. If you are ready to simplify and supercharge your job search, this season will guide you through three foundational steps I have learned working with thousands of job seekers and in my previous life for 20 plus years as a hiring manager and my own recruiter. Often these steps will get you closer to the job that you want, faster and with greater confidence. It will help you kiss your job search woes goodbye. Keep Kiss stands for the Keep it simple strategy as it applies to your job search. We know that nowadays a job search online and for the corporate world can be daunting, overwhelming, anxiety inducing. There's so many highs and lows and emotional baggage that we carry in the job search and it all hinges on telling our story, being able to tell our story in a way that is compelling. When we throw our name in the hat in writing and also when we're verbally talking to our network and in interviews and talking about ourselves.
Lisa Virtue:
This is what I find working with hundreds of clients every year. When it boils down to and comes down to what is the number one blocker on getting opportunity. And it tends to be needing to clarify your story and then being able to tell it in a concise and compelling way so others can quickly see how you are best aligned for that job in that organization. So the goal with this season is to help you keep your search simple so that you can speed up your search and stop this overwhelming anxiety. I'm sure you're feeling it at this very moment thinking about it. Whether you're in the thick of a job search or you're just contemplating starting one. All of these actionable strategies and insights are for you. So let's start by talking about the roadmap for the season.
Lisa Virtue:
In each episode coming up, we're going to break down the elements of one of the three steps that form the foundation of an effective modern job search. Let me give you an overview of what's coming up. The job search first begins with clarity. That's step one knowing what kind of role you want, what kind of company or organization fits your values, and what your non negotiables are. Without this step, it's easy to feel overwhelmed or worse, waste time pursuing opportunities that just aren't the right fit for you. This step also helps you clarify where your strengths lie and how to speak to them. In upcoming episodes, we'll help you get crystal clear on your career goals, walking you through exercises to identify your strengths, align your job search with your priorities, and define your Ikigai or your North Star, which I'll explain in that episode what that means if you've never heard of it. Whether you're re entering the workforce, pivoting careers, or aiming for a promotion, this step is key to ensuring every move you make is intentional and strategic.
Lisa Virtue:
It's also key in keeping things simple. As Steve Jobs is famously quoted for saying, that's been one of my mantras. Focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean, to make it simple. So the work you do on simplifying your strategy and clarifying your goals will pay off in spades. And what I have found in my experience and working with so many people is that simplification is the hardest thing to do when it comes to business and talking about ourselves. Because we are complex human beings with a lot to say, a lot to share, and a lot of emotion.
Lisa Virtue:
When it comes to being able to do these things in a succinct way, it is a muscle that we have to grow and learn how to use over time. It is not inherent in our society to speak about ourselves in a way that is comfortable and authentic. So next up is step two. It's telling your story clearly in writing. When it comes to applications, your resume, cover letter and online questionnaires that you have to fill out are your first chance to make a good impression. But let's be real. Writing about yourself can feel overwhelming, especially if you're unsure how to translate your skills and accomplishments into into a compelling story or that simplification of a resume for that job or organization. That's why in this season, I'm dedicating episodes to the art of crafting a standout resume and your application materials.
Lisa Virtue:
You'll learn how to highlight your achievements, avoid common mistakes, and use tools like AI effectively to brainstorm and refine your application materials. We are not going to depend on AI, but I will show you how to unblock yourself quickly using that tool. And I have some tricks up my sleeve and some tools that you probably have never heard of that you'll be able to use in this process. By the end of these episodes, you're going to feel confident presenting your story on paper or on the screen and ready to land interviews for roles that truly excite you. Finally, we have step three, which is to tell your story verbally with confidence in a concise and compelling way. Yes, this is possible. This is the number one thing people struggle with. Once they get their resume finished and they start getting interviews and opportunities, or even just conversations with people in their network and their connections, they struggle to be memorable and say their story in a way that people will be compelled to unlock opportunities for you.
Lisa Virtue:
So once your application gets you through that door, the next step is mastering the art of storytelling in interviews and those networking conversations. This is where your ability to communicate your value and build those connections becomes your greatest asset in the job search. And I will say, even in your career in general. So when people say I'm bad at networking, it's typically not that you're a poor relationship builder or you're not a good friend. It's that you're thinking of networking all in the wrong ways. And probably the way you're speaking to your network is not unlocking those opportunities. So we will explore that in certain episodes. In addition, in this season, we'll explore how to captivate your audience in interviews, answer those tough questions with confidence, and navigate networking situations without the awkwardness.
Lisa Virtue:
You'll learn how to share your story in a way that's both authentic and compelling, and it leaves a lasting impression on hiring managers, recruiters, and anyone who might connect you to your next opportunity. You want to be that person that everyone remembers when they're recapping their top candidates after the interviews. Okay, so to recap, this season of her Career Studio is built around three simple steps. Number one, clarify your goals so you know exactly what you're aiming for and how to get there. Number two, tell your story in writing to create application materials that showcase your value and set you apart. And number three, tell your story verbally in interviews and networking conversations to build connections and land opportunities. These three steps form the foundation of your effective job search and I can't wait to help you walk through every one of them in the episodes ahead. This is free career coaching at its finest.
Lisa Virtue:
You're going to get so many tools and tips in each episode. I'm also going to reveal recruiter and career coach secrets along the way, so don't miss out. Make sure you hit subscribe so you don't miss any episodes. That's it for episode one. I hope you're as excited as I am about what's coming up in season two of HerCareer Studio. Make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss an episode. And Remember to visit for your free resume template and resume review service. These tools are there to help you take action today, and I'll be pointing out the tools as we go along in each episode that will be available to correspond with that episode for you.
Lisa Virtue:
So make sure you go to and you bookmark that page. In our next episode, which is available now, we're going to dive right into step one. Clarify your goals. You'll learn how to define what you're looking for so you can approach your job search with focus and intention. Trust me, you don't want to miss it. So keep listening or make sure you save it or download it for when you're available to listen later. Thank you so much for joining me today. Cheers to taking that next step in your career journey.
Lisa Virtue:
You've got this and I'll see you in the next episode of the Hercule Studio podcast. By the way, the music I've chosen, it's uplifting and it helps to remind you that the goal I have as a career coach is to help you whistle at work. So enjoy.